Friday, January 20, 2012

Hands and Feet

Being a kid at heart, I used my playground from my childhood to take a picture of the monkey bars. With the hands of my brother Nico, this picture can be an illusion to some. Unlike the subject of my print many see this as a worm's-eye view, looking up a ladder. However my creating a short depth of field it turns out the grasped bars are monkey bars.

Depth of Field

My "Depth of Field" print incorporated three of my most favorite things. For one thing, the subject is my new puppy Indigo. Being only 5 month old she is bigger than a golden retriever and always finding out new things. With her new obsession for horses, I took a picture of her ears cocked up listening to Saber. The horse shown is one of the many grazing in my pasture in my front yard. She happens to be the horse that is ridden out on the UVA football field by my neighbor, Kim. Showing my love for dogs, horses, and UVA, this picture is one of my favorites.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fun With Shutter Speed

My little brother Christian is the star in my prints yet again. With his love for the sport of football I took this picture in motion. He even got it as a Christmas present, mounted and all. :)

Leading Lines

Leading Lines was one of my favorites. I had my brother scooter down a crack in the road. I though this added some extra creativity, including the shadow from my brother. Ever since then I have been compelled to work with shadows, using certain times of days to add different effects in.


After thinking a lot about different angles for framing, I went to my playground to find some shots. I was the ladder and immediately stuck my lens through the steps. This picture went well with my other framing one, two of my little brothers holding hands. With the two empty swings this print means more to me then just  piece of photo paper.


This picture was one of my first at-home assignments. We were tasked with the goal to take film of architecture, and I picked my home sweet home. This is the view looking up from the left side of my house, using the shadow from the sun and the contour lines of the chimney to add effect.